I'm going to try this recipe that my friend, Fadi, just shared with me from his childhood in Lebanon. Quote Fadi: "It's high fiber, high protein, low fat, filled with goodness." How can I not experiment? But I need some friends in the know to help me out with tasting whether my version is authentic or not!
Shared with permission.
Equipment: 1 big pot
A - Aromatics
1-2 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, chopped
4-6 cloves garlic chopped
3 stalks scallions, chopped
B - Lentils
2 cups brown lentils
3 cups water
C - Rice
1 cup rice (basmati)
2 cups water
D - Seasoning
Salt, to taste
Cumin, to taste
Pinch of all spice
E - Garnishing
Cabbage salad
A - Sautee till onions are brown.
B - Add lentils and water and bring to a boil for 5 mins. Turn heat down and simmer for a further 20 mins.
C - Add rice and water and bring to a boil for 2-3 mins.
D - Add seasoning. Cover the pot and turn heat down. Simmer for 15 mins. Fadi says that you need check it occasionally and gauge the amount of water carefully. The mixture should be loose, not too dry but not too wet either.
E - Turn off heat and let mixture sit for 2 mins.
F - Serve on a plate with garnishing on top.
Picture to come!